Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Super strings and the theory of ten-dimensionals...

While the basic idea of time travel is founded on the existence of the fouth dimension of time, the theory of super strings claims that there could be ten dimensions. while we exist in a three dimensional world, this world exists in a multi-spacial dimensional manifold. Crossing over to another three-dimensional surface would mean crossing over into a new universe. The extra demensions in this theory are those that link all the three dimensional surfaces together. While our current experience of time is one-dimensional and liner, the super string theory proposes that we could move into other lines of time by moving through the second temporal dimention. The vibrating 'strings' in this theory are what make up the resonance of the different particles which we can see in our every day lives. The strings, 100 billion times smaller than a proton, can vibrate only in space-time of ten-dimensions...


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