Wednesday, March 23, 2005

New Game Idea!

My original Game idea was based on the game cops and robbers, with the storyline focusing on two sides of a bank robbery story. You either run away or chase ...

Nothing really to do with rubber and there's no real originality behind the game, the only thing in this idea thats original is the elastic powered boosts you get when collecting rubber bands. I went and re-thought how I could improve my game idea and make it more original and enjoyable to play ...

I brainstormed into rubber and what the quallities and other things I could include in a game - The name of my game is still "Rubber Bandits" so I came up with the concept of making the actual characters rubber, they can stretch like the toy stretch arm strong. The same concept for check points is the same, I fact it's simpler. You now hold the shoulder buttons on the DS to extend the arms and grab the check point posts, you then pull the racer back with thier rubber arms. Another idea i came up with was using the touch screen in races to stretch the arms and collect icons far to the side of the screen. You can also stretch the arms and press (A) to slap the apponents back and slow them down. This slapping techneque will replace all the weapons from my previous idea.

The cars and characters will be simply designed compared to my orignal idea, with 6 ready designed characters and the option to make a custom design like "Tony Hawks Skating"

The cars will be similar in ability but with option to improve shields agains slaps and faster engines. I've also added a glide upgrade which enables the car to glide further from boosts there for having to collect less rubber bands, with the best glide ability you can glide arount the track from a few boosts.


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