Tuesday, May 03, 2005

MP3 Presentation

MP3's future or substitute

What is a MP3?
MP3 Is the file extension for MPEG, audio layer 3. Layer 3 is one of three coding schemes (layer 1, layer 2 and layer 3) for the compression of audio signals. Layer 3 uses perceptual audio coding and psychoacoustic compression to remove all superfluous information (more specifically, the redundant and irrelevant parts of a sound signal. The stuff the human ear doesn't hear anyway). Because MP3 files are small, they can easily be transferred across the Internet. Controversy arises when copyrighted songs are sold and distributed illegally off of Web sites. MPEG Layer 3. An new standard for audio compression. It is capable of 10:1 compression with no noticeable loss in quality. MP3s have become a popular way to distribute CD quality music on the Internet.
MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 is a standard established by the Moving Picture Experts Group for
compressing audio files. Using perceptual coding, file sizes are reduced by a factor of 12, without
too much damage to the sound quality of the original file. Indeed, some argue that because of the
way data is discarded, there is no perceptible difference in sound quality between an MP3 and
the original sound file. However, most audio professional would disagree. The format is used
extensively throughout the Internet, both legally for demonstration purposes, and of course illegally,
as in the recent Napster controversy.

Where do you find MP3 downloads?
MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3. Compression scheme used to transfer audio files via the Internet and store
in portable players and digital audio servers.
i-tunes is the biggest legal MP3 downloading site at the moment. In January 2001, Apple introduced
iTunes, an all-in-one music playing application for Mac OS 9.0.4 and later and Mac OS X. In
October 2003, Apple released iTunes for Windows, for Windows 2000 and XP
Listen to CDs: iTunes will play your music CDs. You can shuffle and repeat your favorite tracks,
just like a regular CD player.
Buy music online: With the iTunes Music Store, you may purchase songs, albums,
and audiobooks that you can play on up to three computers, burn to CD, or export to an iPod.
Import music from your CDs: iTunes will also import or rip music from your CDs. You can
import in AAC (the codec underlying MP4), MP3, AIFF, or WAV formats. The music will then be
stored on your hard drive for easy access anytime.
Export to MP3 player: You can export your playlists through USB to a commercial MP3 player
to take with you wherever you go. Simply drag your files to the MP3 player's icon and the files
will be uploaded.

Illegal music downloads:
You also get sites you can download MP3 music files for free but they lack the quality, a lot of these sites have been closed down. There are also the legal file sharing web sites like "lime wire" which allow you to down load files of other people, some of these songs are good quality but others are poor quality.

What do you play them on?
The most popular is the apple i-pod, the original MP3 paired with i-tunes was the i-pod. There are loads of different MP3 models now, one of the newest is the Nike MP3 player which is as small as the new i-pod shuffle, you also get some interesting accessories like bands to strap it to your arm, for jogging e.t.c making MP3 players even more attractive to a wider audience.
I own an i-pod shuffle and I love it, it's so easy to connect to i-tunes and drag some music over. I really like the size of the player as well it sits in your pocket and you don't really notice it. You can also buy a strap to hang it round your neck. I could never do that with my CD or MD players.
These accessories are making MP3 the future.

How many people own a computer and have the internet?
The only draw back in everyone using MP3's is the universal access, Most people have a computer and access to the internet, at present there is more people with CD players. With the new i-pod shuffle it makes it even easier to transport music from computer to computer, as long as there is either i-tunes or windows media player it is possible to transport and copy MP3's.

Why would you buy a CD still?
(MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3) Is the standard technology and format for compressing a sound sequence into a very small file while preserving the original level of sound quality when it is played, the sound quality of an MP3 is not as clear as the sound recorded on CD's.
Apart from the quality difference there is also all the artwork that comes with CD's, and the occasional free DVD you get with band gigs recorded live and Dj sets.
CD's will also keep the quality of old records finding them out a box years after buying it, and telling a story behind it, "I remember when I brought this"
When will you say I remember when I downloaded this tune?

Where do you think MP3 music downloads will take us?
I think you will go to HMV and plug a USB into a super juke box down load your music and possibly print off art work, pay with a card account same as online shopping. MP3's are becoming very popular because you can compress so much music on one memory card


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