Thursday, November 03, 2005

Initial Idea [3] - Dial a Gap

This idea wasn't my strongest but a different approach to time travel theory. It's based on many things,
e.g Bill and Ted, The Matrix and Docture Who...

My Idea is a crazy concept like the reverse charge number you can dial, Only if you dial my number you jump to another phone box in your town, I've drawn some quick story boards on how I would like it to work, as I've drawn it there is one hold back on this type of travel ... there is an annoying time difference, your either moving to fast or too slow, you could appear early morning or late at night. This is a fun idea if you know your town well.

If I produce this idea I will be directing a film, planning locations, I doesn't have to stay in one town I will also need a few acters and plan my times carefully... I still prefure my first idea for theory.


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