Permanent Flux _ Ideas??
I like the idea of using the quality chameleons have to represent the changing behavior in social groups between people, These changes could be represented as differences in fashion styles or differences in moods, seriousness or really bubbly personalities, It might even represent people trying new things and traveling new places?
How people adapt to the environment and especially different social groups...
Tall Stories:
Everybody's been told stories about legends myths and even more serious stories fond in religion, I think these stories are mostly based on truth or represent events that closely resemble what might have happens centuries ago. I think in a few more centuries there will be new legends and the legends of today will be elaborated again to keep interest, some one will add a small minor detail, like a game of chinese whispers along a much longer time period ...
Now to I go to the bank first or get something to eat? We make decisions all day everyday, some harder than others what if we could play every decision out at the same time it would be a mess, so what about the important decisions or just pick on one. Similar to the concept behind "sliding doors", where you see the same person miss a train and catch a train the rest of the film is showing what happened from the train and missing the train. I would like to produce a similar thing but layer more decisions on top of each other...
Clothing Brand:
Fashion changes all the time from year to year and generation to generation, what if you could illustrate the change into one brand of clothing, cloths that involve as many different changes in fashion over time, clothes that permanently blend in the environment and different groups? ... too similar to chameleon idea, just branding a flux name tag on the shell ...
Illustration Development:
Series of short films and photography showing the change in the areas I live and travel. Routing all the old pictures of the town i live out and piecing it all together as a website or short films? ...
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