Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Dial A Gap 1

Dial A Gap 1
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

Dial A Gap 2

Dial A Gap 2
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

Dial A Gap 3

Dial A Gap 3
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

Dial A Gap 4

Dial A Gap 4
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

Dial A Gap 5

Dial A Gap 5
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Initial Idea: Dial A Gap (update)

Looking at what is to become of 1 in 5 of our phone boxes it's pushed me more towards the idea of re-inventing the experience of a phone box...

My original idea for dial a gap was to dial a number and jump through time to another phone box in another time, but now i've refined the idea. Phone kiosks are now the future again where you don't go to dial your next fix of heroin, you don't go to take advantage of reverse calls, you don't go to use the internet for a quick five minute and you don't make a quick call avoiding you mobile ... what then?

The latest phone's will have virtual reality installed, where you ware a head set and dial the number of another phone box, these phone boxes then allow you to step outside the kiosk in real time graphics and explore another end of the town, or even another town the other side of the world. To excape this very real experience you will dial 18511 292025 which is reality in the numeric alphabet..

Don't talk to your friend find a phone box and visit where they live, if they find one, have a virtual day out in the park?

News on Phone Boxes

Are Phone Boxes History?

As you may be aware, there is a final push by BT to divorce themselves from the responsibility of the maintenance and upkeep of the kiosks that have been part of our heritage for almost the last 100 years, due to modern economics.

We are very keen that the remaining kiosks do not disappear into obscurity and are therefore acquired by people or organisations that really care and moreover share our desire to preserve these unmistakable icons of national english heritage.

As these kiosks have not been manufactured for 40 years and are now rapidly reducing in numbers, these kiosks will only increase in value and therefore create an ideal investment opportunity.

As a result, we are now able to make available a number of kiosks to enterprises, organisations or even individuals that can take considerable financial advantage of being able to purchase a limited number of kiosks in multiple quantities.

Mobiles kill off more phone boxes
Thousands of loss-making telephone boxes are to face the axe as mobile phone use soars in the UK, British Telecom has announced.

Up to one in five phone boxes could be removed, particularly in rural areas.

But BT said it would keep many rural pay phones if there were no others within reasonable walking distance.

The company has said its policy was "driven by a complete culture change in communications" which had seen a huge rise in mobile phone ownership.

Residents in Edenbridge, Kent, where mobile phone reception is said to be "unreliable", told BBC Radio 4's programme the impact would be most felt by vulnerable people such as the elderly.

Local MP Sir John Stanley, who is fighting the removal of payphones in the area, said BT's stance was a nationwide issue.

Classic Red Phone Boxes

Classic Red Phone Boxes
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

Two red phone boxes

Two red phone boxes
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

Old Box

Old Box
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

Removed Box

Removed Box
Originally uploaded by t19tone.


Originally uploaded by t19tone.

Phone Box List to be demolished

27 March 05
Phone Boxes To Be Axed
Henderson Street, Thurso
Millbank Road, Thurso
Heathfield Road, Thurso
Pennyland Drive, Thurso
St Clair Avenue, Scrabster
John O'Groats
Hillhead Ropad, Wick
Phone Boxes To Be changed To BT Chargecard and Emergency (No Cash)
West Banks Avenue, Wick

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Initial Idea [3] - Dial a Gap

This idea wasn't my strongest but a different approach to time travel theory. It's based on many things,
e.g Bill and Ted, The Matrix and Docture Who...

My Idea is a crazy concept like the reverse charge number you can dial, Only if you dial my number you jump to another phone box in your town, I've drawn some quick story boards on how I would like it to work, as I've drawn it there is one hold back on this type of travel ... there is an annoying time difference, your either moving to fast or too slow, you could appear early morning or late at night. This is a fun idea if you know your town well.

If I produce this idea I will be directing a film, planning locations, I doesn't have to stay in one town I will also need a few acters and plan my times carefully... I still prefure my first idea for theory.


Gaps - WormHole
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

Initial Idea [2] - The WormHole Diary

Using the Einstien-Rosen bridge theory (wormholes) I am goin to produce a diary of a day in my life presented in no particular order, it will be a series of photo's where there will be a hidden wormhole to the next page. I was thinking of doing it either paperbased, a second animation only 2dimentional or as an interactive website? These wormhole will be thing like reflections, shadows and windows ... Not quite like the worm hole seen above, more like the concept of hidden doorways to other dimmentions (worlds)

Speed 4 _timetravel

Speed 4 _timetravel
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

When the speed of light is broken the film will become a 360 degree stop frame animation, I will edit some of the frame by erasing objects and people. The people and objects will slowly re-appear as the view spins round ... this is to resemble the time lapse catching back up to real time.

Speed 3 _timetravel

Speed 3 _timetravel
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

Speed 2 _timetravel

Speed 2 _timetravel
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

Speed 1 _timetravel

Speed 1 _timetravel
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

Initial Idea [1] - LightSpeed

This idea was thought up after researching into time travel, There are two main theories of time travel...
The first was Gondel's theory of travelling the speed of light, like you see on sci-fi film like Star Wars e.t.c. his theory was that time would reverse if you travelled the speed of light... interesting.
However moderen scientist belive time would stop before reaching the speed of light, so I was going to immitate this through a short film and animation. I will shoot a film and gradually edit the speed of the footage adding blur filters and white flashes, when the screen becomes almost white, I will use stop frame animation around a 360 degree point indicating time has stood still ... my philosiphy is that you will slowly become visable as everyone catches you up? then a motion camera will return shooting in real time.

Look at the pictures above...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Super strings and the theory of ten-dimensionals...

While the basic idea of time travel is founded on the existence of the fouth dimension of time, the theory of super strings claims that there could be ten dimensions. while we exist in a three dimensional world, this world exists in a multi-spacial dimensional manifold. Crossing over to another three-dimensional surface would mean crossing over into a new universe. The extra demensions in this theory are those that link all the three dimensional surfaces together. While our current experience of time is one-dimensional and liner, the super string theory proposes that we could move into other lines of time by moving through the second temporal dimention. The vibrating 'strings' in this theory are what make up the resonance of the different particles which we can see in our every day lives. The strings, 100 billion times smaller than a proton, can vibrate only in space-time of ten-dimensions...

Time Travel == through wormholes

Worm Holes...

The Wormhole is a type of black hole time machine, based on the theory that hypothetical short cuts across the space time continuum exists which could enable travel back and forward in time. A wormhole can be seen as a black hole in one universe connected to a black hole in another universe, although they appear in the imagination of science fiction writers that in fact. Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen first realised in 1935 that the theory of general relativity allowed for the "Einstein-Rosen Bridge" (now refured to as wormholes), although initially this bridge was only thought to be possible through space, not time...

Donnie Darko is one of my favourate films about time travel, if you've not seen the film check the website out,
It mentions the philosophy of time travel.

Doorways to other worlds

This image is an example of a wormhole, not like the blackholes we see in space. This is refured to as a rabit hole in the Matrix ...
Rabbit holes and Worm holes both take us to other dimentions, inner space or outter space...So
is there a difference between Rabbit holes and worm holes?

Time Travel == Paradoxes and Solutions

The problem with travelling faster than light...

Unlike Godel's early theory of time-travel speed, contemporary scientists have pointed out that to travel across time, one would have to travel at speeds faster than the speed of light. However this is impossible. As you approach the speed of light, time slows down untill you reach the speed of light itself, where time comes to an abrupt halt. It appears to be impossible to be able to continue travelling when time has stopped. It seems the only way to over come this is to travel through a wormhole with an electric charge which would keep the door open long enough, or else to travel through a rotating black hole. Then travelling through the time tunnel would not have to involve speeds faster than that of light...

Parallel Universes

While in our everyday lives light appears to travel in a straight line, on closer inspection - shining a touch through a narrow slit, for instance - it is clear that light does in fact bend. This fact has led quantum physicists like David Deutsch of Oxford University to propose that this may point to the existence of parallel universes. Deutsch clams that light particals (photons) are being deflected by each other, invisible, particles which behave exactly like their visible counterparts. This extends quantum theory - which predicts that for each neutron and electron there are corresponding shadow particles - to light. This world of shadow particals could be called a parallel universe which has some effect on the tangible universe. For Deutsch, physical reality is a place where many universes exist at the same time - meaning there could be numerous versions of 'you' currently wondering around the multiverse...

A good film to watch that backs the above theory is "The One" staring Jet Li...
Check More Films Out - Sci-Fi Dimensions movie reviews

Matter exists simultaneously

Matter exists simultaneously
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

In 1935, the physicist Erwin Schrodinger developed the theory that atoms can exist in two places at the same time and illustrated his argument by claiming a cat drinking poison could be dead and not dead simultaneouly...

Parallel dimension theory

Parallel dimension theory
Originally uploaded by t19tone.

This backs up the Erwin schrodinger theory of atoms existing parallel, where the cat drinking poison can be dead and not dead simultaneously, the light you see above is flickering on while at the same time being broken...

Gap in society

Gap in society
Originally uploaded by t19tone.
This was one of my weaker ideas of representing gaps as an image of the gaps in society.